Saturday, January 12, 2019

January 12, 2019

Dear Aspen Chapel Families,

     I hope this first week of getting back into a routine has felt as wonderful to you as it has for our family! As lovely as the holidays are, I find that my own children are far happier when the days are predictable and when they have a sense of purpose and responsibility.
     I ended up getting sick at the tail end of the holiday break, and felt frustrated at first, and resentful of how far behind in my responsibilities I became. But through meditation (which was restored once the school bus arrived;)), I came to realize that sometimes it's okay to experience CONTRAST. When we are experiencing lack of productivity and motivation, or even depression or sluggishness, it provides an opportunity for us to fully appreciate the contrast once we get back on our feet. It's like recovering from a cold, and finally breathing through our nostrils without congestion. We promise ourselves that we'll never take that for granted again! This can be a great way to help kids move through their own frustrations. Conditions are never permanent, and sometimes CONTRAST or feeling the opposite of how we WANT to feel is our best teacher. 
     As I mentioned in a previous email, January can be a time to push the reset button. We'll spend the next three weeks examining Faith: what it is, how to find it, and how it can help us. In conjunction to that, we'll commit time to a guided meditation every Sunday this month. Below is a link to an article in Forbes magazine: Science shows meditation benefits children's brains and behavior. I find that in my own life, with pressures coming from so many directions, that meditation is where I find perspective and heart-centered answers. What a privilege to help kids learn this tool so early on! 
    I hope to see your children tomorrow and hope you're having a safe, relaxing, and joyful weekend. 

If you ever have any questions regarding
our services or your children's needs,
please email me at

In Peace and Blessings,
Michelle Skagen
Aspen Chapel Youth Coordinator


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