Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dear Aspen Chapel Families,
     What perfect advice for this Spring season. Yesterday was an example of the fickleness of Spring and such an appropriate metaphor for our lives when we're trying to bring about more peace and happiness in our experience. We set goals for ourselves and hope our children will grow and thrive according to external expectations. But sometimes the good we're hoping for doesn't always happen on our timeline, and it's easy to feel discouraged.
     We know warmer days are ahead. We've experienced enough seasons to know that the earth will experience abundance and color again. When we set goals or pay attention to the benchmarks children should hit, it's easy to get discouraged by the roller coaster of hopes and setbacks. But it's unnecessary because the universe does know our desires, and our good unfurls in divine order.
    Nicholas will be discussing patience this Sunday, and children will also explore this theme through Spring literature in Sunday School. If we can instill a better sense of patience in this next generation of young people, perhaps they will experience less anxiety or depression in the future. I encourage you to observe your surroundings and the weather with them and try to relate its cycles to their lives.
    I will not send a newsletter next weekend, for I'll be out of town, but back on Sunday the 5th! I hope to see your children then!

If you ever have any questions regarding
our services or your children's needs, please
email me at

In Peace and Blessings,
Michelle Skagen
Aspen Chapel Youth Department

Friday, April 19, 2019

April 19, 2019

"As a child welcomes the dawn with a heart filled with expectation and hope, let us welcome Easter, this symbol of light." ~May Rowland
Dear Aspen Chapel Families,

      As we welcome Easter weekend along with celebrating our beautiful Earth, which is exploding with Spring flowers and smells, we can reflect on what the Easter story means for us and how we can impart that to our children. In many ways, the Easter story holds elements of our own lives. Once we recognize that, then the rituals we take part in take on a whole new meaning.
    We have all experienced deaths in our lives in the form of losing someone very close to us, or losing a job or experiencing illness and hardship. We've all felt like the world was against us and as if we've been abandoned or betrayed. In times like these we almost feel crucified.
     When Jesus was crucified on the cross, people scattered and feared for their lives. They were filled with grief and confusion. There is a darkness that can engulf us in the same way, when we're met with tragedy, hopelessness, loss, or loneliness. Being in that dark space is similar to Jesus being in the dark, stone tomb. It's hard to imagine things improving when we're feeling this way.
     The Easter story really illustrates how the sun does rise again. When the women discovered that Jesus' body was no longer in the tomb, they weren't sure immediately what that meant. Just like we don't always know the reasons for our suffering, yet people people say to us, "there's always a silver lining," or "this too shall pass." We don't always recognize the good that comes into our lives after a painful event, and sometimes we don't know when or how we've left the tomb.
      But there usually comes a day where we notice life has gotten better! Maybe we laugh or we feel more energy or confidence. We start to see light again. The Easter story reminds us that good can come from the most difficult circumstances. Perhaps we develop more compassion, or an unexpected door opens after another was slammed, or we develop the wisdom necessary for our next chapter in the journey.
     As we say goodbye to the dark and cold days of winter, and welcome the sunshine and color of Spring, we can celebrate not only the man who taught about peace, love, forgiveness, and faith, but also the resurrection that we as humans experience throughout our lives.
    This Sunday, children of all ages are welcome to join us in the Aspen Chapel Sanctuary for a short Easter message by Nicholas Vesey, then join us downstairs for lighthearted crafts and an egg hunt that celebrate Easter and Earth Day. We hope to see you Sunday at 11:00am.

If you ever have any questions
regarding our services or your
children's needs, please email me

In Peace and Blessings,
Michelle Skagen
Aspen Chapel Youth Coordinator

Saturday, April 13, 2019

April 13, 2019

The birth and rebirth of all nature, The passing of winter and spring, We share with the life universal, Rejoice in the magical ring."
Dear Aspen Chapel Families,

     When I reflect on my own childhood and remember Easter and the days leading up to Easter, I can recall certain images and activities, but I don't remember learning the purpose behind what we did as a family. I remember hoping that the dissolved Paas tablets would make a vibrant color on the eggs, and being disappointed when they came out pale and splotchy. I remember decorating our Easter tree with adorable wooden rabbits and ornate wooden eggs, and finding new ones hanging from my basket each year. My fondest memory is finding Cadbury eggs and little presents in my was like a smaller version of Christmas, but more pastel. I'd usually have to wear some starchy dress that my mom made and then cringe from embarrassment as my mom belted out Hallelujah with her Easter hat at some church with my grandparents. The only thing that got me through it was stifling laughter with my brother in the pews and knowing we'd be able to eat deviled eggs and more chocolate soon.
     It wasn't until I was in the throes of motherhood that Easter meant something more than arranging a "perfect" basket for my children with natural jellybeans and Jan Brett Easter books. Like with a lot of people, the struggles in our life as parents opened us to the spiritual lessons offered in the holidays we celebrate, behind the ritual and traditions and outfits and meals. And maybe by slowing down and helping our children understand the origins and meanings behind what we do for these holidays, they'll see beyond the "getting" and "consuming", and will see them as an opportunity to evolve as human beings with the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth that our planet experiences.
    So back to Paas tablets...why do so many of us engage in this tradition? What is the significance of eggs and rabbits in Easter, and what do they have to do with Jesus and the cross? What is Palm Sunday and Holy week and why hot cross buns? Obviously there's a broad spectrum of beliefs within our community and beyond. There are literal interpretations of the Easter story, metaphysical interpretations, and no interpretations at all except preparing a ham and egg casserole. But giving our children a context for how we do or don't do holidays can anchor them and provide meaning for them, which can bring comfort as they confront their own struggles.
     Tomorrow in Sunday School, we'll briefly discuss how the eggs and rabbits represented fertility and rebirth in nature in the Pagan observations of Spring,  preceding Christianity. We'll discover how baskets of treats evolved from Western Europeans bringing the tradition of making nests for rabbits and eggs. And how eggs were forbidden during Lent, so people painted them and waited to eat them for the Easter feast! We'll read a Christian version of the Easter story and discuss the significance of the palm for Palm Sunday. Of course we'll discuss these ideas while we create tangible crafts to bring home.
     As we go through the week in our own families, perhaps we can pick and choose what rituals to do with our kids and bring more meaning and purpose to them versus going through the motions. Maybe hot cross buns symbolize crossing out beliefs or behaviors that no longer serve us. Maybe coloring eggs are a way to remember and honor the cycles we go through as people (darkness into light, negative thinking into positive thinking, protecting our hearts into opening our hearts), just as nature goes through the same cycles, like a magical ring. I hope to see you and your children tomorrow as we begin this special week.

If you ever have any questions
regarding our services or your
children's needs, please email
me at

In Peace and Blessings,
Michelle Skagen
Aspen Chapel Youth Coordinator

Saturday, April 6, 2019

April 6, 2019

"The beautiful spring came, and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also." ~ Harriet Ann Jacobs
Dear Aspen Chapel Families,

      As Spring lets us know it's here with the singing of morning birds, the receding snow on the golf course in Aspen, the cyclists in the lower valley, and the tips of daffodils in neighbor's yards, we begin to set ritual and tradition in motion, whether we're aware of it or not. Perhaps we purge forgotten items from our cluttered closets, begin thinking about our flower boxes and clearing sleds and old leaves off the porch, or buy white eggs in anticipation of dipping them in colorful dye. Whatever we do to welcome Spring, it can become richer if we slow down and recognize the power in ritual and see the connection between cleaning our homes and planting seeds, and clearing out negative thinking and planting seeds of gratitude in our hearts.
     When children are involved in the rites and rituals throughout the year, I believe it gives them a sense of identity, purpose, and meaning. Most religions recognize the patterns of seasons and the regeneration of life during Spring. So whether we're preparing for a large Passover gathering, dyeing Easter Eggs (which has roots in Pagan traditions), praising Buddha for Ohigan, or chanting and dancing in the Native American traditions, it's a time to involve our children so they may recognize the power of renewal within after enduring the long winter months.
     Tomorrow at the Chapel, children are invited to witness a Baptism upstairs. We will then move downstairs to plant seeds and draw the connection between caring for a plant and caring for our selves. We'll discuss the ways we care for our natural environment, how we care for our bodies for vitality, and how we can care for our hearts. We hope to see you all.

If you ever have any questions
regarding our services or your
children's needs, please email
me at

In Peace and Blessings,
Michelle Skagen
Aspen Chapel Youth Coordinator